Saturday 1 June 2013

Stepping in to the water

April 2013

I am, apparently, a SWOFty. Single woman over 50. It's time to get out on to the midlife dating merry-go -round and see if I still have enough zing left to form some relationships with the opposite sex.

Why a blog?- because I bet I am not the only anxious boomer on the second time around market... I find the whole concept of meeting someone online utterly terrifying. Apparently "everybody" is doing it these days....

So, while out riding with a friend (horses will be the other theme, just a much emotional input there sometimes) she tells me that she has signed up with a dating site to rattle her boyfriend a bit. I did nearly fall off the horse at mention of this extreme action, but to try and look at it from both sides, her boyfriend is married, does push the "rules" and gives little in practical commitment but a lot of talk.

So I go home, log on and sign up. After some wrangling with the website, I realise I must have signed up yonks ago, as there are  a couple of hundred "matches" dating back several months. I thought I'd tidy things up and start deleting the ones at the back, but that took  took too long, so I began from the front. Found one only 4 months old that's in the same town. looks completely reasonable and so I flick off a little greeting, being careful to pick a neutral tone, and scroll on through the list.

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